четверг, 13 сентября 2012 г.

Study Abroad in Paris

Paint Yourself in Paris
People in Paris are snooty, smelly and anti-American, right? Oh, contraire! In fact, you won’t be hard-pressed to find friendly natives, stores that stock deodorant or people who don’t perceive Americans as monsters.

Sure, Parisians love their food, fashion and wine, not to mention their art and literature. But they are also fiercely proud of their long history, as well as the high quality of their higher education system.

Get to know what the city is really like, clichés aside-get yourself signed up for a study abroad program in Paris.

Enlightened Education
Higher education in France is recognized worldwide for its excellence. When you study abroad in Paris, you can choose between universities or specialized schools, known as ‘grandes ecoles.’ One of the most obvious reasons (duh!) that people choose to study in the ‘City of Light’ is for the language. Numerous intensive study abroad programs in Paris give you the chance to take classes in French with native students. A French education is popular with students from around the world:

More than 10 percent of college students in Paris are international students
The most popular fields of study are the arts, architecture, engineering, management and political science
You’ll attend interesting lectures, as well as smaller study sections known as ‘travaux diriges’ and ‘travaux pratiques’
You’ll get to study art in the Louvre, architecture at the Eiffel Tower and history at the Notre Dame
Paris is one of the most artistic cities in the world and has produced some of the greatest artists of all time, including Degas, Cezanne and Monet. These guys were the rock stars of their day, and art students studying abroad in Paris will find countless spots to follow in their footsteps and study their craft:

No art student will want to miss the famous Louvre, but don’t expect to cover the home of the ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘Venus de Milo’ in just one day
Right across from the Louvre, check out more than 80 galleries at the Orsay Museum
Get inspiration by visiting the Montmartre artist colony, where you can watch artists at work and shop at the Place du Tertre
The Museum of Modern Art is another draw for art students, while students of Rodin or Picasso will be happy to know that both artists have museums devoted strictly to them! Meanwhile, architecture students can:

Climb all 1,652 steps of the Eiffel Tower and catch a killer view
Explore the Gothic-styled Sainte-Chapelle, built in 1246, with its colorful Rose Window
Marvel at the Neoclassical Pantheon, with its dome and marble interior
Art, language, history and architecture are not shocking choices for studying abroad in Paris, but you may not know that France is known for its emphasis on research, which has led to great success in the sciences and technology as well. With native innovators like Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur and Nikola Tesla, it shouldn’t be so surprising!

Mellow Out, Man!
When you study abroad in Paris, let yourself go and give into the slower pace of Parisian life. The French can draw out just about any experience, so if you want to avoid standing out (you ugly American, you!), you’d do yourself a favor leaving your busy-body ways back in the States. It will do wonders for your stress levels, and you’ll discover that you’re still getting your work done.

Spend one night in Paris (and no, we’re not talking about a certain video that was shot in night-vision!), and you’ll be swept up by the lights, the people and the options. When not in class, continue growing and learning by exploring the 18th century Catacombs, or by experiencing glamorous history at the real Moulin Rouge. Marvel at the stunning white cathedral Sacre Coeur, that overlooks the entire city, or relax with a boat ride (or even a drink on a floating club) on the River Seine, and just observe and absorb the culture. It will make you that much more interesting, and that much more marketable, when you return home.

Those studying art, business, photography, museum studies, marketing and just about every other discipline find studying abroad in Paris lives up to the hype. It will make you a better student and job prospect back in America, but once you’re in pace with the Parisian spirit of enjoyment, you may not ever want to leave!

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