четверг, 13 сентября 2012 г.

Study Abroad in Barcelona

Known throughout the world for being on the cutting edge of fashion, Barcelona welcomes its international population with class and poise. Students in Barcelona will find a rich environment for exploring a variety of areas.

The renowned architect, Gaudi, left his indelible mark on the city’s architecture. Today those fascinated by his contributions to the field can study his work at La Pedrera, a fine museum. Art students can immerse themselves in the works of Dali and Picasso as well as other major figures, and there is also a museum known as Museu Picasso dedicated to Picasso’s works. These prevalent and historic figures along with a range of other artists featured in Barcelona provide a rich environment for students of any discipline.

Educational institutions such as the University of Barcelona welcome countless students into the city, both Spanish and foreign, providing a truly international mix. Over 76,000 students attend UB alone. Studies in Barcelona can cover a wide range of topics, although many students find it a good place for studying Spanish or Catalan. Others go to Barcelona for cultural studies such as the cultures of Latin American or Catalan. Many programs offer excellent international studies options including business, marketing, and more. Barcelona provides a particularly rich environment for these options due to the international, cosmopolitan environment of the city. Students can also delve into a variety of other subjects including geography, economics, history, political science, film studies, and many more.

Barcelona’s world-renowned stylishness seems to touch every aspect of city life from the art and architecture to the music and nightlife. Students will discover a variety of musical venues including fine operas and cutting-edge discotecas. As one of the world’s fashion plates, Barcelona is also popular for shopping and Las Ramblas is a famous series of 5 interconnected streets that boast being one of the finest pedestrian boulevards in the world. Cafés and shops delight while entertainments and talent shows abound. Barcelona provides an education on many levels and a stroll down Las Ramblas is a fascinating study in people watching.

Barcelona also provides a fascinating variation on Spanish culture. The city loves eating, drinking, and partying as you might find in Madrid, but does everything with more of an international influence. Barcelona shows a slightly different side of Spain than you might find elsewhere due to its geography and the influences throughout its history. The resistance of the Catalans over time has left the city with a free-spirited exuberance that both charms and welcomes. The strong cultural and linguistic roots of Catalonia are deeply embedded in the city’s past and give Barcelona much of its unique flavor.

Study in Barcelona is sure to broaden your horizons as well as improving your fashion sense!

Studying in Barcelona is sure to broaden your horizons as well as improve your fashion sense! There are plenty of cheap hotels in Barcelona for your friends to stay at when they visit you.

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